When Bronco expanded and needed someone to helm the Houston operation, the choice was simple: Seth Brady. More than 20 years worth of experience in the drilling manufacturing industry made him plenty qualified for the position, but it was his old-school commitment to customer service (nothing beats actually speaking to someone) that made him a shoe-in. Today he still fields every single call personally, and oversees both the Houston and International sectors of Bronco’s sales efforts— but don’t for a second think he’s all business. Seth is quick with smile and a joke, and calls himself an ‘open book.’ “Probably because I love to talk,” he says. As for what his friends call him? “Depends on whether or not I’m in the room, I imagine...”
> When the workday wraps, you can find him outside brushing up on his shot and cast-off.
> He’s known Bronco CEO Max Mantooth for 30 years, and has the stories to prove it.
> Bronco is: “a successful enterprise because of our people.”