With 20 years at Bronco under his belt, Marco’s corporate loyalty is pretty obvious. Back in 1996, John, Max, and Bruce were looking for a young, green, Spanish speaker to bring onto their five-person operation, and they hired Marco fresh out of the University of New Mexico. The relationship was symbiotic. Even when Marco’s wanderlust set in, the top dogs at Bronco told him to go somewhere else to ‘get it out of his system,’ knowing that he would be back. And five years later, the prodigal son returned, this time to tackle Bronco’s Latin American sales. See, Marco’s got Bronco in his blood. He understands the business, he speaks the language, he does a great job. And what exactly is the job? “Conquering the world one drilling rig spare part at a time.”
> Grew up and attended college in Santa Fe, NM… where he was the mascot at UNM. Also moonlighted as Hornsby here in Tulsa.
> Says that every country has different names for the same part, and that a typical day looks like translating pieces described as the ‘come se llama’ that connects to the ‘como se llama.’ (AKA, a shaft).
> Bronco is: “just part of me.”