A self-described student of life, Bruce has picked up a few things along the way. After 15 years at Bronco, he’s learned to appreciate the delicacy of timing and a good hunch, and the pursuit of wild, unlikely ideas. Upon hearing that a solid business in India wouldn’t be possible, Bruce made it his mission to prove the opposite. Today, Bruce manages all of our sales efforts in India, and all the details and relationships that come with it. Some might shudder at the idea of making deals in unfamiliar lands, but Bruce manages to make it look easy. “Once you get there, people are people.” This thorough, soft-spoken leader embodies the ‘doer’ mentality. When everyone else gives up, Bruce steps up. Or in his words, “You do what’s in front of you, and you do it well.” It’s one of the things we love most about him, and we think our customers see it too.
> After three kids and 35 successful years of marriage, he calls his family his proudest achievement to date.
> He’s a lifelong runner, and an avid fan of the McNellie’s Pub Run. “Where else can you run four miles and drink four beers?”
> When it comes to the ‘spice of life,’ for Bruce, it’s God. “Some people don’t like to hear that, but that’s mine. That’s a big word, but it includes helping other people. It’s a personal relationship, and it’s also action.”