Craig would tell you that if you’re on the job search, it’s good to have friends in high places. When they come up against a wall, they might just give you a job. It worked out pretty well for Craig and Max back in 1997, and as they tell it, ‘the rest is history.’ Today, Craig wrangles rig books, customer requests, and a small tornado of paperwork for Bronco as the Domestic Sales Manager. If it weren’t for his salt-and-pepper hair, you’d think he were younger because of his high energy, quick wit, and easy smile. Want to get to know him? Schedule a round of golf or suggest a trip—he’s always up for both. And with Craig’s self-described open book demeanor, you’ll have plenty to talk about.
> BS from Sam Houston State University.
> He’s got a bubbling case of wanderlust, and can’t wait until he can travel the world at will.
> Friends and co-workers say I am: funny, quick-witted, and sometimes helpful.
> Bronco is: “better because we have people that care.”